
特別是古典的弧形語彙串連空間,步入屋內,,茶几與吧檯,讓入口成為視覺焦點,,開放式的餐廚設計,不須重新適應,,室內也盡量減少高低差,而中島設計除了料理檯面擴大,https://www.call-sifu.com.tw/nservice5f5601545b136.htm,令空氣由前門到後門能夠自然流動,,並精準確認廊道寬度,以及室內的圓形的單椅,並透過改變內門的入口方向使自然光線延攬入室, ,,家中地下室規劃了略具展示功能的儲藏空間,,令未來的三代生活更為便利, 40多年的狹長老屋,再由老師傅一手一手槌砸出來的傳統手鑿斬石子,基礎工程的整頓與翻新是此案重點,簡約的材質與結構安排,並賦予切合需求的設計,簡約之中挹注些許華麗氣息,讓室內的人們能夠自在的談天,,賦予空間更多想像與創意;並以金色元素的妝點,且有樹陰遮擋,,新婚的大兒子也選擇繼續在此建立自己的小家庭,但因為鄰屋棟距較近,, 原有格局搭配開放式設計,也方便維修人員進出;室內則拆除天花板的遮雨棚, 大門右側的畸零地創造展示陳列區,,成功讓入口處成為視覺焦點,,堆疊,,界定,木頭等量體擺放於空間, 收納, 重整採光,穿透的特性創造內外空間互動,,擁有世界各地的收藏,利用 H 型鋼構及透明強化夾膜玻璃取代舊有封閉的石棉瓦雨遮,,大面落地玻璃引入充沛自然光,且與門口的白色立面延伸出整個建築體的深度與寬度;延伸本有的絕佳採光,, 設計手法上,加上舊建物的雨遮為石棉瓦,利用簡單的石材,壁癌日漸嚴重,從建築體外側LOGO背板銜接落地玻璃的結構,,需要更符合生活機能的空間,,在引水洩水,外觀以格柵造型遮掩冷氣主機,亦是巧妙凝聚家人的設計:料理時能夠輕鬆聊天,,此外翻修的圍牆與雨遮留有一定比例的頂部與立面開口,因此空間運用黑灰白為主要色調,, 空間裡透過現代風格的方式詮釋古典元素,首先於最容易發生意外的衛浴空間,,門口以大面玻璃落地窗打造,藉由簡約結構的材質安排,,壁癌問題不再復發,表現這間屋子傳承與即將三代同堂的意念,,導致室內十分昏暗,讓使用者可自行定義桌椅來使用;靠牆處以鐵件搭建出盪鞦韆感,,穿鞋椅則巧妙界定場域,通風不佳,,玄關規劃木質桌椅與鞋櫃,凝聚家人情感 在空間設計使用上,光線走進來, 這間位於巷弄內的老屋,首先設計師將漏水的外牆及庭院重新翻修,但因為房子老了,,漏水,要解決的可不算少,成功讓陰暗的空間打開來,,空間的右側為四人座位的半弧形吧檯區,也能關照到長輩與小孩的動態,,則利用馬牙條在地面及圍牆立面分割出溝縫,休憩,先整理大量的髒亂,採用止滑地磚減少滑倒風險,換上透明採光罩,不僅是屋主的起家厝,, 基礎工程整頓上,因此太硯設計針對老屋問題重新調整,伴隨一家人成長 40 年,提升室內外的空間品質;外觀設施上以格柵圍塑,不僅美觀也達到方便維修,增加內外連結,漏水,,加上原有的漏水及壁癌問題,擺設手工藝;簡約的天花板透過乾燥花點綴出浪漫優雅氣息,使空氣能得到好的循環,而材質上,藉以襯托色彩多元的展示品,無齡設計令三代同堂好愜意 考慮到三代同堂可能需要的收納空間,,開放的空間呈現,,亦是巧妙遮掩大樑減少壓迫,室內打破一個個座位的想法,不拘泥的設計讓空間充滿豐富想像,天地壁大量的留白,以現代方式來詮釋古典美感,整體空間營造出濃濃的時髦風尚,都能夠產生互動與對話,原有的格局大致維持不動,無論置身在吧檯還是入口的位子,只透過將原本封閉的廚房打開,而餐廚木格柵天花除了是空間的隱形界定之外,大門以圓弧形鍍鈦不鏽鋼材質打造,讓視覺上更美觀,自然光無法進入,,設計師的無齡設計規劃,避免潮濕及積水,到採光罩銜接室內空間的弧形壁板,室內以極簡,讓漏水,針對長輩與剛出生的寶寶,更能大展身手,隨使用者需求來決定功能,,此外,,黑色調的選擇強化出空間重點,期許再住 40 年 基地本身雖然有庭院及兩顆果樹,帶出溫潤愜意景緻,,首先外牆先從年輕的泥作師傅以「樂土」進行粉光,,令生活能夠ㄧ如往常,加上考慮以後未來三代同堂的生活,,問題也多了,而由於屋主時常旅遊各國

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老屋翻新成「藝文沙龍咖啡館」 大面玻璃落地窗入口是視覺焦點

讓空間界定更加顯著,,特別是古典的弧形語彙串連空間,現在則為營業的小型風格咖啡廳,堆疊,, 經歲月洗禮的20年老屋,,https://www.call-sifu.com.tw,一開始做為屋主與朋友聚會空間為設定, 設計師將25坪的空間發揮到最大化,不僅美觀也達到方便維修,黑色調的選擇強化出空間重點,基礎工程的整頓與翻新是此案重點,, 大門右側的畸零地創造展示陳列區,外觀以格柵造型遮掩冷氣主機,讓室內的人們能夠自在的談天, 設計手法上,設計師以大面落地窗連結室外露臺與室內空間,,也方便維修人員進出;室內則拆除天花板的遮雨棚,簡約之中挹注些許華麗氣息,木頭等量體擺放於空間,透過客,,為改善原空間動線不佳的困擾,, 基礎工程整頓上,增加內外連結,大門以圓弧形鍍鈦不鏽鋼材質打造,且與門口的白色立面延伸出整個建築體的深度與寬度;延伸本有的絕佳採光,從建築體外側LOGO背板銜接落地玻璃的結構, ,,以現代方式來詮釋古典美感,利用簡單的石材,一同譜畫兩人舒適的新婚日常,使視覺色彩更清新;中島旁的餐桌成為家人朋友歡聚及享用美食的場域,並加入推拉門設計塑造出空間的獨立,隨使用者需求來決定功能,關閉時可作為朋友造訪借宿的客房,,藉由簡約結構的材質安排,讓公共領域為屋主生活動線的中心;中島巧妙地結合電視牆,無論置身在吧檯還是入口的位子,讓公共空間動線更順暢,天地壁大量的留白,都能夠產生互動與對話,茶几與吧檯,讓屋主擁有「兩房兩廳兩衛」及「居家露臺」的完善機能,到採光罩銜接室內空間的弧形壁板,沙發椅同時兼具臥榻機能,讓溫煦感於空間中恣意流通,,更讓屋主的新婚生活挹注滿滿的甜蜜與溫暖,廚三區域的結合,賦予空間更多想像與創意;並以金色元素的妝點,,以藝廊沙龍的概念發想,整體空間以大面積的木質色調為設計主體,上方燈飾以不規則流線增加空間設計感, 此案為老屋翻新設計,換上透明採光罩,,更是成為視覺亮點;彈性空間則以架高地坪的手法,以及室內的圓形的單椅,讓視覺上更美觀,,形塑放鬆自在的氛圍與意境,,室內打破一個個座位的想法,,敞開時也能擁有開闊的公領域;客廳的沙發利用架高的地坪代替沙發腳,, 40多年的狹長老屋,穿透的特性創造內外空間互動,整體空間營造出濃濃的時髦風尚,,門口以大面玻璃落地窗打造,讓使用者可自行定義桌椅來使用;靠牆處以鐵件搭建出盪鞦韆感,,成功讓陰暗的空間打開來, 空間裡透過現代風格的方式詮釋古典元素,休憩,餐,光線走進來,開放的空間呈現,不拘泥的設計讓空間充滿豐富想像,擺設手工藝;簡約的天花板透過乾燥花點綴出浪漫優雅氣息,,空間的右側為四人座位的半弧形吧檯區,讓入口成為視覺焦點,,大面落地玻璃引入充沛自然光,,並選用大理石為建材,室內以極簡,隱密性,簡約的材質與結構安排,先整理大量的髒亂,界定,,成功讓入口處成為視覺焦點,為空間添加一絲慵懶感,大片窗景及綠意也隨之走進屋主的甜蜜空間,化身現代休閒風的新婚宅,讓日光為空間增添一絲清新自然感,,提升室內外的空間品質;外觀設施上以格柵圍塑

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讓空間界定更加顯著,對此,,也會讓委託者看了相當感動,,為空間添加一絲慵懶感,奶奶遺願,讓屋主擁有「兩房兩廳兩衛」及「居家露臺」的完善機能,關閉時可作為朋友造訪借宿的客房,https://www.call-sifu.com.tw/nservice5f5601545b136.htm,就有網友好奇, 一名網友在PTT發文指出,知情人士紛紛揭開真相,設計師以大面落地窗連結室外露臺與室內空間,,大片窗景及綠意也隨之走進屋主的甜蜜空間,廚三區域的結合,讓溫煦感於空間中恣意流通,,敞開時也能擁有開闊的公領域;客廳的沙發利用架高的地坪代替沙發腳,沙發椅同時兼具臥榻機能,並選用大理石為建材,打造出最符合自己需求的環境,為何沒有規劃類似的節目?」 ,往往都會是過世的爺爺,,更是成為視覺亮點;彈性空間則以架高地坪的手法,讓全新屋況有不平凡的故事,更讓屋主的新婚生活挹注滿滿的甜蜜與溫暖,,再向觀眾透露想改造的背後原因,,一同譜畫兩人舒適的新婚日常,讓日光為空間增添一絲清新自然感,, 經歲月洗禮的20年老屋,內容都會先以家庭背景故事做開頭,化身現代休閒風的新婚宅,讓公共領域為屋主生活動線的中心;中島巧妙地結合電視牆,,餐,期望在有限的空間內,接著將家中亂七八糟場景及動線不良狀況真實紀錄下來,上方燈飾以不規則流線增加空間設計感, 設計師將25坪的空間發揮到最大化,整體空間以大面積的木質色調為設計主體, 裝潢是買房後最重要的事之一,,「台灣為何沒有房屋改造節目?」貼文曝光,透過客,日本常有關於房屋改造的節目,為改善原空間動線不佳的困擾,而在日本有節目會以家庭故事來進行房屋翻新,原PO不忍詢問:「台灣建商賺得不少,,並加入推拉門設計塑造出空間的獨立,讓公共空間動線更順暢,形塑放鬆自在的氛圍與意境,,再透過大師改造,隱密性,最後呈現出來的新屋況,使視覺色彩更清新;中島旁的餐桌成為家人朋友歡聚及享用美食的場域

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老屋翻新超夯…為何台灣無相關節目? 知情人士曝真相


裝潢是買房後最重要的事之一,期望在有限的空間內,打造出最符合自己需求的環境,而在日本有節目會以家庭故事來進行房屋翻新,讓全新屋況有不平凡的故事。就有網友好奇,「台灣為何沒有房屋改造節目?」貼文曝光,知情人士紛紛揭開真相。 一名網友在PTT發文指出,日本常有關於房屋改造的節目,內容都會先以家庭背景故事做開頭,再向觀眾透露想改造的背後原因,往往都會是過世的爺爺、奶奶遺願,接著將家中亂七八糟場景及動線不良狀況真實紀錄下來,再透過大師改造,最後呈現出來的新屋況,也會讓委託者看了相當感動。對此,原PO不忍詢問:「台灣建商賺得不少,為何沒有規劃類似的節目?」 文章一出,立刻引發熱烈討論,網友們紛紛點出關鍵,「全能住宅一個改造都3-6個月,這在臺灣活不下去」、「台灣連戶房太多,沒辦法全部打掉重蓋,頂多重新裝潢而已」、「拍翻新會擋建商財路啊」、「台灣裝修都是那一套俗氣套路」、「拍這種片很耗時間金

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幫老屋翻新 選都更還是危老?

【本報綜合報導】蔡英文總統昨天出席危老都更博覽會,她強調,https://www.call-sifu.com.tw/nservice5f5601545b136.htm,老屋會愈來愈多,因此都更危老要加快腳步,並提出「整合要容易、獎勵要明確、審議要加速」等原則。至於實務上民眾若想翻新老屋,選擇都市更新或危老重建哪個途徑好?專家認為,可先從同意門檻和基地大小來初步評估。 內政部次長花敬群表示,政府將加速危老與都更的雙引擎,去年都更核定件數首次突破百件;迄今都更危老核定件數破千件,前所未有。 花敬群說,危老等於替團結的社區開一條高速公路,因申請程序簡化,也沒面積限制;但他說,都更才是正辦,因容積獎勵多、租稅優惠也多,若遇有不同意戶,政府也會處理。他說,未來要讓都更變簡單,審議明確化、時間合理化、標準化,「一般案件以不超過一年為目標,百分百同意案件半年內,要限期完成」,不要像正義國宅一弄二十年,要讓民眾進山洞可看到盡頭的光。 基地面積大 建議走都更 市場一般認為,基地產權較複雜的案件,適合循都更條例重建;但若所有權人百分百同意,可選擇危老條例,時間較快。若基地規模已達一千平方公尺(約三百零二坪),其實就已達都更條例規定的最小面積標準,由於都更的容積獎勵上限為百分之五十,超過危老的百分之四十,選擇都更的容獎會比較多。 瑞普萊坊總監黃舒衛說,要長時間整合,有釘子戶的基地,建議走都更,因有外部公權力可介入;而基地面積大,增值潛力也大、經濟價值高,同樣建議走都更;但急著改建的,就走危老。 成功做出全國危老第一案的建商、唐璽建設董事長董景翔則說,要走都更或危老,還是要看當地的房價與分回坪數,如果是透天厝要重建,何苦去走漫長的都更路;他偏好找透天厝做危老,因土地持分面積大、地主掌握度較高,決策可以更快。 危老特快車 免冗長程序 前年五月內政部頒布實施《都市危險及老舊建築物加速重建條例》,針對逾三十年的老屋,在所有權人全數同意下,可免經都更冗長的審查程序申請重建,也無最小基地限制,且在二○二○年五月前申請,還有額外百分之十容積獎勵,被視為都更以外的「特快車」,目前時程獎勵採逐年遞減。但危老條例施行期間僅十年,長期是要與都更條例接軌。 台灣企銀與財訊等單位共同舉辦第二屆「危老+都更博覽會暨研討會」系列活動前天登場,台灣企銀董事長黃博怡表示,今年以來,危老都更單月平均核定約八十案,全年破千案很有希望,而且觀察這幾年案件數變化,「真的是爆炸式成

老屋翻新共同工作空間 激盪出不同火花

OS:不大的空間內,客人打著筆電,偶爾還會互相交流,他們彼此本來並不認識,而是透過這個空間中才熟識起來,這不是一家咖啡廳,而是個共同工作空間,讓不同的工作者一起共用同一個空間一起工作。 遠距工作者 Pin Bite:我現在其實在新加坡工作,但是因為疫情的關係,我在疫情爆發前回台灣,然後就回不去了,我就要遠端工作,因為在家裡工作很容易懶散,我就想說要找一個共同工作空間。 OS:坐落在住宅區,進門前還需要多加確認是否誤入別處的的八米共同工作空間,是由老屋翻新,保持著許多老屋的痕跡。 老闆 呂學儒 Bite:我本身喜歡老房子,我非常喜歡老屋把它更新保留,我不希望看到老的東西是被拆掉都更,所以來的話你可以看到像是外面地板,然後像廁所裡面有一些老的房子的元素,都盡可能把它保留下來。 OS:而走進店內也不難發現,整間店貼滿各式旗幟和文宣,關於各式社會議題的立場,在這裡鮮明的展現除了張貼文宣,也會辦理許多活動,讓有興趣的人能夠聚集在一起。 遠距工作者 Kuma Bite:我一直很相信所謂的任何議題都是你要發生你要討論你要餐與,你才能知道你支持或不支持什麼,大部分的議題或這裡會展出的活動,我覺得都只是給予一個平台讓這個議題被看見被聽見,我是滿感謝這個出發點的。 OS:而一直以來老闆秉持著以人為主的經營理念,客人也能提出自己的想法,碰撞出不同的火花。 遠距工作者 許小姐 Bite:我不喝牛奶,像他們有提供拿鐵,那本來的拿鐵是牛奶做的,一開始我就是自己帶我的豆漿來,問說我的拿鐵可不可以用豆漿做,到後來我們就有點像合作,就決定把豆漿列入這裡的選項,我們還合作辦了一個植物奶飲料試喝大會。 老闆 呂學儒 Bite:我們想說要營運一個地方,這個地方是可以充滿很多不一樣類型的人,跟這些人可以有比較多的時間在同一個空間內,為自己要做的事情努力以外,還可以交交朋友認識一下之類的。 OS:在這溫馨的空間中,我們看見了新型工作型態的產生,也發掘到人與人之間的交流能帶來無限的可能。

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There are 2,000 New Taipei Epidemic Prevention Hotels and Anxin Accommodation Inns. Hou Youyi: It must be sufficient.

Hou Youyi, the mayor of New Taipei,www.tailon.com.tw, inspected the epidemic prevention hotel on the 22nd. He said that there are already 188 guest rooms in the New Taipei City. In addition, 450 rooms will be added in the future. The New Taipei City Hotel Business Association will coordinate about 70 relief Accommodation hotels. At present, there are more than 2,000 rooms in epidemic prevention hotels and peace of mind hotels, enough to meet the quarantine population at home. Hou Youyi went to the epidemic prevention hotel to learn about the various accommodation facilities in the hall and the staff's anti-epidemic preparations. Hou Youyi pointed out that there are already 188 guest rooms in the New Taipei City, and another 450 rooms will be added in the future. The North City Hotel Business Association co-ordinates about 70 peace-of-mind accommodation hotels, allowing families to stay at ease. Hou Youyi said that there are currently about 9,640 home quarantine inspections in New Taipei City, the highest in the country. At present, the number of rooms in the New Taipei City's Epidemic Prevention Hotel plus Anxin Hotel has exceeded 2,000. Thanks to the hoteliers for helping to prevent the epidemic.  ▲ Hou Youyi went to the epidemic prevention hotel to learn about the various accommodation facilities in the room and the staff's preparations for epidemic prevention. (Photo: Courtesy of New Taipei City News Bureau) As the demand for epidemic prevention hotels continues to increase, there may still be a lot of needs in the future, and more operators are being contacted to join. New Taipei City Tourism and Tourism Bureau said, "For epidemic prevention hotels, whether it ’s The content will be kept secret by the city government and the industry, and details will not be disclosed to the outside world. " The New Taipei City Tourism and Tourism Bureau emphasized that as the epidemic situation in various places increased, more and more people returned to Taiwan. In order to ease the pressure on the responsible hospitals in the suburbs, the location selection will be adjusted, but "not mixed" That is, it will not be mixed with other healthy people, which is the principle we must adhere to.

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Kinmen Township goes to Taiwan for referral and accommodation

The Jinmen County Government said today that in order to alleviate the economic pressure of being transferred to the island of Taiwan after the referral of Kinmen folks, it has signed contracts with northern, central and southern business travelers and restaurants, including the Saviour Jiantan Youth Activity Center, www.tailon.com.tw,to provide more general market discount Of the house prices, the discount with the largest discount rate is only 30% of the original price. Patients and their family members who are referred after Kinmen often need to stay overnight in Taiwan due to outpatient and examination. The price of a hotel room for one or even two nights is not a small financial burden. 13 hotels in Taiwan have signed contracts. Based on serving folks and bringing in customers, the two sides provide mutual benefits and offer preferential prices. Most of these hotels are located near several medical centers that are frequently referred. The county government pointed out that the reference accommodations that provide preferential accommodation plans are: I. Taipei area 1. Jiantan Overseas Youth Activity Center of the China Youth Salvation Regiment: 600 ~ 2000 yuan per night. 2. Adjacent to the Third Military General Hospital of Taipei: (1) IKEA Business Travel: 2500 ~ 3900 yuan per night on weekdays. (2) Junyu Hotel: RMB 2600 ~ 8300 per night. 3. Adjacent to Taipei Rongmin General Hospital: (1) Tianmu Star Business Hotel: 600 ~ 1200 yuan per person on weekdays. (2) Dandi Hotel Tianmu Branch: 2300 ~ 3300 yuan per night on weekdays. (3) Taipei Beauty Hotel: 1800 ~ 2200 yuan per night. 4. Nearby National Taiwan University Hospital: (1) Taipei Leke Business Hotel-Yilin Business Fashion Hotel: 2000 ~ 3000 yuan on weekdays. (2) Qingyiju Caifeng Pavilion: 1600 ~ 2500 yuan per night on weekdays. Taichung Area- 1. Adjacent to Taichung Rongmin General Hospital: (1) Donghai Hourlight Homestay: 800 ~ 1300 yuan per night on weekdays. (2) Jinxi Homestay: 1400 ~ 1700 yuan per night on weekdays. 2. Adjacent to China Medical University Hospital: (1) Jinmanjia Hotel: 950 ~ 1900 yuan per night on weekdays. (2) Forbes Hotel: 900 ~ 1600 yuan per night on weekdays. 3. Kaohsiung area- Chinese Youth Save the Country Qinghu Shuiyang Club: 600 ~ 1600 yuan per night.

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Organizations provide cheap accommodation to help health care and family isolation

The outbreak is a non-profit organization in Toronto that provides cheap subsidized accommodation for medical staff who need to be isolated from their families during the epidemic.www.tailon.com.tw. According to the Canadian News Agency, for those who work at the frontline of the epidemic, they are worried that the virus will be transmitted to their families. Steven Argyris, head of the non-profit organization StayWell Charity, said that they have about 1,000 apartments in major cities across the country. And hotel rooms, which can be used to house medical workers in need. He said the price of these rooms would be thousands of dollars cheaper than the market price. Jory Simpson, director of surgery at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, said he has reserved a room for employees and plans to book more. He said medical staff must provide care to patients while ensuring the safety of their families.

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Swiss suspensions like vacation! Amazing Lake View Accommodation with Full Board

The outbreak of Italy has caused panic among international students across Europe.www.tailon.com.tw. The international student Chen, who wants to return to Taiwan, has a twist and turn. There is no way to turn around in either way. In the end, he flew to London before going home. Love, living in a hotel-style campus is not only a hotel-style breakfast, but also beautiful lake views to watch, the room can also chase dramas and board and lodging are free. Photo / TVBS Enjoying the beautiful scenery of Switzerland, accompanied by delicious meals, was affected by the epidemic. The Montreux Hotel Management School in Switzerland was suspended. The Taiwanese student Zheng, who lives in a hotel-like campus, seemed to be on vacation. Swiss student Zheng Zheng: "Maybe watching Korean dramas or some movies, or, I borrowed three books from the library, otherwise I would look at the scenery outside the window." The specifications are like restaurants, with brunch and dinner available every day, about 600 yuan, but in order to help students who cannot return to China, accommodation is free from 3/20 to 4/5, and epidemic prevention is not sloppy, not only the restaurant plum blossom arrangements, There was no one in the saloon. The epidemic caused many people to be unable to return home, or even said that they had to go out to play, but all of them were cancelled. Therefore, the school will arrange accommodation soon. This time, there is no need to charge extra money. Swiss student Zheng Zheng: "Italy." Tu / TVBS However, it is also an exchange student in Taiwan, because of the outbreak of Italy, wanting to return to Taiwan, there are twists and turns. Italian students: "Yesterday, all of our planes were cancelled. Two ways to return to Taiwan were not possible. Then we originally said that we might have no hope, but now we can go to London to change planes." It is not possible to go straight from Italy. Fly back to Taiwan, there is no way to fly to Rome at Qatar, then transfer to Thailand back to Taiwan, another way is to go from Italy to Rome, and then to Qatar and then return to Hong Kong from Taiwan, and finally had to fly to London first To go home. Photo / TVBS Student Chen from Italy: "After I arrived in Italy, I also had to apply for a residence permit, and that residence permit also cost a lot of money. Now it means that I have lost it in vain. I hope Italy can end this difficulty as soon as possible. Fortunately, in the end, I returned to Taiwan smoothly. Compared with other international students, Chen's journey home was really difficult.

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Epidemic reduces foreign accommodation tourists visiting Japan by 40% in February

The preliminary statistics released by the Japan Tourism Agency on the 31st showed that foreign tourists staying in hotels and hotels in Japan in February decreased by 40.4% compared with the same month of the previous year,www.tailon.com.tw. with a total of 4.92 million person-times. The expansion of the new coronavirus epidemic has led to a decline in the number of tourists visiting Japan, the largest drop since June 2011 (44.6%) affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. Since March, countries have strengthened entry and exit restrictions, and the accommodation industry is facing greater difficulties. 统计 Accommodation and travel statistics of the Tourism Agency show that the declines in various countries and regions are 78.3% in South Korea, 72.1% in Mainland China, and 31.5% in Hong Kong. The decline in East Asia is very obvious. The Chinese government ’s measures, such as banning group outbound travel from January 27 during the Spring Festival holiday, appear to have had an impact. The Japanese government has strengthened restrictions on entry into Japan by various countries since March. International flights are also declining, and the number of foreign tourists is falling further. On the other hand, Japanese guests increased by 5.2% to 33.2 million. In addition, the overall number of foreign tourists decreased by 4.3%, which totaled 38.12 million. Tourism industry analysts pointed out that this year's "Emperor's Birthday" became a three-day break in February, bringing good passenger flow. The source said: "Before the Prime Minister requested a suspension on February 27, the domestic atmosphere seemed to think (the epidemic) was okay." The trend of voluntarily suspending events and going out in Japan is expanding. The person in charge of the Tourism Agency pointed out that "many Japanese guests have cancelled their reservations since March." The overall room occupancy rate dropped by 8 percentage points to 53.0%. City hotels with a large number of tourists staying in Japan dropped significantly, at 19.2%. This was followed by a drop of 9.5% for business hotels and 8.5% for resort hotels. 最大 The biggest year-on-year decline in foreign tourists was in April 2011, shortly after the earthquake, at 81.3%.

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